Traditional Filipino Bread (Pan de Bisaya) in Siquijor Philippines

Pan de Bisaya is a traditional bread that you can find in the province of Siquijor, as well as other areas in the Philippines. This traditional bread is made with tuba (coconut wine) for fermentation instead of traditional yeast, which gives it that distinct and unique taste.

Lilibeth Viernes is an inspiring business owner who has been making Pan de Bisaya since 2012 and this is her story.

Special thanks to:
Lilibeth Viernes and family

Additional References:
Psyche Castillon, “Lilibeth ad the Pan Bisaya in Siquijor,”, May 3, 2018
Christian Lucas Sangoyo, “Siquijor: Lilibeth’s Pan Bisaya, A Roadside Delight at Enrique Villanueva,” July 25, 2016
Explore Siquijor

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