Best Rice Terraces to Camp in the Philippines with Erwan

Have you seen these squirmy little rice paddy fish before? Erwan and the crew are resuming their road trip in Isabela for the continuation of our journey up north to find the best local finds and unique food to cook. After encountering a few challenges along the way, we picked up the pace and found ourselves trekking along the rice terraces of Ifugao where we finally set up camp and cooked a filling meal using our freshly harvested ingredients. 

This is the last episode for Forager, we hope you enjoyed the first two parts of this new series! Where should we go next?

This video is sponsored by Ford Philippines. We had a blast testing the all-new Ford Ranger Wildtrak with the team which made our adventures more exciting and most of all more comfortable with its off-road and outdoor living capabilities.

Correction: On 2:08 – Name should be Chef Michael Angcoy. We apologize on this error from our end. 


Special thanks to:

Anita Badonado

Chef Cocoy Ventura

Melinda Natividad

Jennifer Castillo

Fidel Malanna

Elizabeth Chaalan Simbuco

Fean Munchiguing

LGU Mayoyao

Mayoyao Tourism Office

Detchie Enkiwe



Angcoy Food House - Santiago, Isabela

Xyleen's Food House - Cabatuan, Isabela

Felma Jenny Bakehouse

Bongan Rice Terraces - Mayoyao, Ifugao

Pikaw Hatchery - Mayoyao, Ifugao

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