Honey is known for its health benefits and its sweet taste. It is used by many in their day-to-day lives, and yet it remains one of the most-faked foods in the world*. The Philippines is home to several known bee species that produce honey, but the prevalence of adulterated honey in the country remains high due to the lack of knowledge and geographical indication schemes (GI).
Join us as we delve deep into the future of Philippine honey in the heart of Palawan and learn more about how you can help local Filipino beekeepers and honey suppliers.
*Source: Business Insider, 2020
Chef Likha Camacho, Chef Bettina Tanedo, and Team Toyo
Ka Tony Reyes, the expert IP honey gatherers of Bagac, Bataan and their families
Dr. Angel Bautista VII, Remjohn Magtaas and the DOST-PNRI team
DOST – Philippine Nuclear Research Institute Official FB page: https://www.facebook.com/PNRIDOST/
DOST-PNRI Research FB Page: https://web.facebook.com/NMRSpnri
Dr. Cleo Cervancia, Jessica Baroga-Barbecho and the UPLB Bee Project
Residents of Barangay Loyal, Victoria, Mindoro
Alexis Dela Cuesta and family, Honea
Chelvin Collado, Michael Sagaran, Soh Rosario, Marcie Carandang, Kimmy Gran-Labanyoy, and the Raffles at Fairmont, Makati team
Kannan Subramanian, Manuka Health New Zealand Team
Haydee Kua, Manuka Health Marketing
Jasper Iturriaga
Expert IP honey gatherers of Sabsaban, Brooke’s Point, Palawan
Asian Terminals Inc.
Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines, “Pure and Raw: Protecting Local Honey and Its Indigenous Harvesters,” May 20, 2020
Alison Benjamin (The Guardian), “US beekeepers sue over imports of Asian fake honey,” May 1, 2021
Jessica Hernandez, “A Glance into Philippine Wild Forest Honey,” Read Meryenda, August 15, 2023
Philippine Star, “Fake Honey is everywhere. Here’s how to tell if it’s real or not,” December 14, 2020
Vina Medenilla, “BEEware of fake honey: Honey fraud in the Philippines, Manila Bulletin,May 24, 2022
Philippine Forest Honey Network (PFHN FB page)
Manuka Health PH Official Website