Fishing for Alamang and Making Fresh Bagoong

How is bagoong made? Erwan Heussaff is cooking his own bagoong, but first, we are going on a field trip to learn more about the revered delicacy. Bagoong is a seafood paste that is typically made by combining “alamang” (small shrimps or krill) or fermented fish and is then mixed with salt. We are following the passionate story of alamang fishermen who supply fresh buckets of alamang to markets and bagoong makers despite the challenges of the daily grind. 

Bagoong can be found in different parts of the world and can be used in various dishes, but we’re here to make a classic version that might just tickle your cravings for this umami-filled paste. Try Erwan’s recipe today!

How to Order:

Rashfia Bagoong Alamang

Luisa Gomez:  09474553675

Bagoong Alamang


½ kg alamang, lightly salted and washed

½ cup vinegar

½ cup vinegar

¼ cup oil

1 pc red onion, chopped

5 cloves garlic, minced

4 pc tomatoes, seeds removed and chopped

¼ cup vinegar

¼ cup brown sugar



1. Mix alamang with vinegar and let it stand for 30 minutes. Strain.

2. In a wok add vinegar and alamang. Cook until vinegar has evaporated. Set aside

3. In the same wok, heat up your oil and saute your tomatoes, garlic, and onions. Cook until tender.

4. Add back alamang and cook over low heat and add vinegar followed by the brown sugar. Cook until dried up and dark brown in color. Makes 6-8 servings.

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