Making Crab Fat Paste (Taba ng Talangka) Pampanga Philippines

Sasmuan is Pampanga’s hidden seafood haven. This is where you can find one of the richest bounties of the sea—taba ng talangka (crab fat). Tisya Culala has been cooking this sinfully delicious delicacy for over 30 years and we are getting a quick preview of how it is made. Taba ng talangka is an umami-filled ingredient that’s typically made with crab or lobster roe and entrails. It renders a rich, orange hue to dishes that’s instantly recognizable by those who grew up eating it at home.

Making taba ng talangka is a tedious process which calls for patience and a certain level of expertise that can only be achieved through the years. We were lucky enough to take home a freshly-made bottle back to the studio, so stay with us until the end to watch Erwan Heussaff cook two delicious dishes that you can easily recreate at home!

Special thanks to:
Tisya Culala
Vener Culala

For Orders: 
09381278204 - Tisya Culala


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