Pork Belly Adobo Musubi

New musubi flavor unlocked: pork adobo. If you like taking your lunch on the go, then this is the perfect meal for you! This recipe is good on its own, but you can also add your personal touch by adding your favorite furikake to the rice mix.

Tip: Use good, quality rice so it sticks together once you form your musubi balls. 


½ cup dark soy sauce
1 tbsp Maggi Savor Classic
1 cup vinegar
4 cups water
1 tbsp whole peppercorn
2 pcs bay leaves
½ kg whole boneless pork belly
1 sachet Maggi Magic Sarap
2 cups cooked Japanese rice
1 tbsp cooked minced garlic
2 tbsp garlic oil
1 tbsp mirin
2 tsp sugar
2 pcs nori sheets, cut into 1 inch thick strips
1. In a pot, combine soy sauce, vinegar, water, pepper, and bay leaves. Add pork belly and bring to a boil. Simmer for 45 minutes or until the pork is tender. Set aside the pork and boil the sauce to reduce and thicken. Cool down then slice ¼ inch thick.
2. Fry off and caramelize with brown sugar
3. In a bowl, gently mix together rice, mirin, and sugar.
4. Layer ¼ cup of rice, 2 cuts of pork, brush into sauce, then wrap with a nori strip in the middle.

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