The Best Filipino Vegetable Stew? Ilocano Dinengdeng with Erwan

Looking for a rich fish and vegetable stew from the Philippines? Here is one of our favorites. We recently went to Ilocos Norte to have a taste of its rich culinary history which can be found in the many eateries and restaurants scattered across the northwestern coast of Luzon. Watch Erwan Heussaff make his version of ‘Dingengedeng’ or also known as ‘Inabraw’ which is a nutritious vegetable stew popular with Ilokanos that’s made with accessible local ingredients like squash, ampalaya (bitter gourd), string beans, tomatoes, okra, aromatics, other greens, and finally fried fish like tilapia. 

Watch the full video here:




5 cups water
4 small tagalog red onions
1 thumb size ginger, sliced
4 medium tomatoes, sliced
4 1/2 tbsp fish bagoong
1/2 tsp ground pepper
50 grams fried shrimp (Hibe)
10 pcs string beans
6 pcs okra
1 medium bitter gourd, cored and sliced
1 eggplant
1 cup of cubed squash
1 bundle malabar spinach leaves (alugbati) 
1 bundle of saluyot (nalta jute)
1 bundle kamote leaves (sweet potato leaves)
1 bundle moringa leaves (malunggay) 
3 pcs green chili
2 pcs tilapia, coated in cornstarch, seasoned with salt

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