The Sweetest Mangoes In the World

What makes the Philippine mango one of the sweetest in the world? Chef Martin is in Guimaras in Western Visayas to taste the freshest mangoes in the country and to learn more about their origins. There is a lot of research that still needs to be done in terms of cultivating this golden produce of the Philippines and we are putting in the leg work to discover the answers to our many questions. 

This is gonna get a little nerdy, so get ready to dive in as we eat and educate ourselves about the national fruit of the Philippines!

We would like to thank the following for making this documentary possible:

OIC Rhod Orquia, Bureau of Plant Industry – Guimaras

Rebecca Tubongbanua, McNester Food Products

Mango Island Cafe, Bliss Project, Jordan, Guimaras

Bureau of Plant Industry – Guimaras

Guimaras National Crop Research Development and Production Support Center

Councilor Katya Tico Delgado

Jordan, Guimaras LGU

Vinsoy Abawan


DOST PCARRD’s Industry Strategic Science and Technology Plans, Mango Industry Profile

Philippine Star, “‘Sweetest’ Guimaras mango becomes first geographical indication in Philippines’” by Catherine Talavera (June 3, 2023)

Philippine Star, “Guimaras Super Galila, the sweetest Carabao mango” (January 2, 2016)

Department of Agriculture, “Philippine Mango Industry Road Map 2017-2022”

Philippine Center for PostHarvest Development and Mechanization (PHILMECH), “Sweet Success” by Gio Anton T. Barrog (September 28, 2020)

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